Regular Services

St Mary's, Eccleston is part of a United Benefice with Christ Church, Charnock Richard.


Our normal service times across the parishes are as follows:


9.00 am Parish Eucharist at Christ Church, Charnock Richard

10.15 am Choral Eucharist at St Mary the Virgin, Eccleston



Wednesdays: 9.30 am Said Eucharist at St Mary's, Eccleston

Thursdays: 6.00 pm All Age Eucharist at St Mary's, Eccleston


Saints' Days and Holy Days as announced.

Morning and Evening Prayer are normally said at 8.00 am (St Mary the Virgin) and 5.00 pm (Christ Church) on Monday - Thursday and Saturday.                      On Saturdays, Evening Prayer is said privately.


For more details and a list of our other services please see the Calendar and Events below .

   Upcoming Services, Events and Calendar

   Pray with us