Copies of Services now available in the Intranet Library

Copies of Services now available in the Intranet Library

Copies of Services now available in the Intranet Library

# News

Copies of Services now available in the Intranet Library

I have created a library of all the liturgy we use in church which can be accessed by all registered users of ChurchDesk belonging to the 'Liturgy Group' i.e. church wardens, Director of Music etc.

Copies of congregational booklets in Word format, along with copies of the full version for the President, are available.  Where a service has no booklet but a Powerpoint (e.g. The Crib Service) these are also available in the library.

I have created tags for each documents grouping them into Congregation, President, All Age and the Season in which the service falls.  Therefore you can search for all Christmas documents etc.

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