02/07/2024 0 Comments
Newsletter 15 August 2021
Newsletter 15 August 2021
# Online pewsheets
Newsletter 15 August 2021
Sunday 15 August 2021: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
To include articles on this sheet contact Valda Pearson on 07751 663339 or email valdaapearson@gmail.com by Tuesday evening.
10:15 Parish Eucharist in church
Hymns 692, Alleluia, 627, 194, 845 v 1,2,3 and 7
President and Preacher Fr Andrew
13:00 Wedding of Bethany Dalton & Nicholas Garden
Almighty God, who looked upon the lowliness of the Blessed Virgin Mary and chose her to be the mother of your only Son: grant that we who are redeemed by his blood may share with her in the glory of your eternal kingdom; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever
Sunday 15 August Readings:
Revelation 11: 19-12: 6
Galatians 4: 4-7
Luke 1: 46-55
We pray for an end to coronavirus:
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, whose years never fail and whose mercies are new each returning day: let the radiance of your Spirit renew our lives, warming our hearts and giving light to our minds; that we may pass the coming year in joyful obedience and firm faith; through him who is the beginning and the end, your Son, Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever.
Those in need this week:
Maureen Dalby; Pauline Readett; Pat Lee; Mary Brown; Declan Reece; Anne Evans, Joanne Whittle, Di Taylor, Keith Brindle and James Thomas
Those who have been in need for some time:
Tommy Trayling; Colin Buckley; Pat Wilson; Helen Christopher; Graham Pownall; Olivia Wilson; Tony Dolan; Margaret Dolan; Audrey Batten; June Davenport; Pat Lee, Michael Walker, Gemma Kavanagh, Maureen Brindle
The departed
Karen Ball
William Glover
Those who have lost their lives during the coronavirus pandemic
Those whose anniversary occurs this week
George Gibson
Walter Poyner
Frank Brindle
Gladys Vaughan
Katherine Cheetham
Banns of Marriage
Today we publish the banns of marriage between Jennifer Darwin of this parish and Simon Jones also of this parish and also between Rachelle Smith of this parish and Kris Topping also of this parish.
This is the first time of asking. If any of you know any reason in law why they may not marry each other you are to declare it.
What's on
Daily readings in the week
Monday 9 August Matthew 19 : 16 -22
Tuesday 10 August Matthew 19 : 23 - end
Wednesday 11 August Matthew 20 : 1 - 16
Thursday 12 August Matthew 22 : 1 - 4
Friday 13 August Bernard of Clairvaux Matthew 22 : 34 - 40
Saturday 14 August Matthew 23 : 1 - 12
Services this week
The Daily Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer will be said in church Monday to Thursday at 09:00 and 17:00
Wednesday: 09:30 Midweek Eucharist
Saturday 10:30 Burial of Ashes of Dennis Edward Morris RIP
13:30 Wedding of Katie Leanne Dootson and Christopher Pattman
15:30 Coffee Concert
Next Week:
21 August Trinity 12 Green
Joshua 24: 1-2a and 14-18; Ephesians 6: 10-20; John 6: 56-59
Weekly church running costs - £1901
THE COST OF KEEPING OPEN OUR CHURCH is £14 PER PERSON PER WEEK – current levels of giving work out at £5 per person per week increasing the gap between incomings and outgoings even further. The financial situation is becoming increasingly worrying. Please help as much as you can. Forms are available to make a Standing Order if you would prefer to contribute in this way. Forms are available for tax payers from the treasurer or Gift Aid Secretary, Eric Smith. Please make sure you have completed yours. Gift Aiding raised £11,707 in year 2019.
Eccleston St Marys PCC Sort Code 09-01-55 A/c 23903081
If you wish to make an online donation please click the picture on the left. This will take you to a page where you can enter your debit or credit card details to make a donation for any amount. You can also Gift Aid the donation.
Rector Fr Andrew Brown 01257 452777
Church Warden Gill Jamieson 01257 451863
Church Warden Garry Fishwick 07885 839067
Weddings Andrea Cheetham 01257 451932
Baptisms Claire Walsh 01257 433167
Funerals Linda Thornton 01257 451075
PCC Secretary valdaapearson@gmail.com
The following daily intentions are suggested:
Monday Students receiving disappointing exam results
Tuesday Those trapped in modern slavery
Wednesday Our refuse collectors and street cleaners
Thursday Those following a rule of life
Friday The work of Christian Solidarity worldwide
Saturday An end to coronavirus
Additional Midweek Eucharists Following a consultation with you all by face to face discussions, online polling and a survey undertaken with primary school age parents, the PCC has agreed to add a Thursday early evening eucharist to our service pattern from September for an initial period of six months. We are hoping this will prove popular as it was the time most people expressed a preference to attend other than Sunday morning. More details to follow about the time in due course.
Are you called to be a server or acolyte? Many vocations have started in this way and is a valuable ministry to the church. Please speak to Fr Andrew or a warden if you want to know more.
How we do church with the easing of restrictions
The law mandating restrictions on the way we open church and worship has changed.
With the removal of legal requirements, we have decided to maintain a policy of maintaining 1m distance between people in church and also ask you to wear a mask as you enter and leave. Masks will not be required whilst sitting, although you may wish to do so. Please continue to use hand sanitiser and be aware of those people who are not comfortable being too close to others. The congregation may join in with hymn singing if they wish.
Support during the continuing pandemic
It is clear that Covid-19 will be with us for the foreseeable future. Therefore, we understand that not everyone will feel comfortable to return to church in the short term. However, if you feel able, your will be most welcome. If you still need support, this is available in a number of ways from the parish.
Please continue to keep in touch with church:
The Parish Website - www.ecclestonstmaryschurch.org
Worship - online Eucharists are available through social media
Personal Contact – please request help if you require it
Prayers - Please contact Liz Green to be included.
Renewing the church Have a look at the sanctuary when you are next in church. You will see that we continue to restore the church. The tiling, which we believe dates from the mid 19th Century, has been covered with a carpet for many decades. If you click on the picture you will be able to view a video of the carpet being removed and the 'before' and 'after' effect as we bring the church back to an authentic expression of a former glory and reveal a tomb dating from 1623 underneath the altar. We have not yet deciphered who is in the grave.
Special Gifts Our recent appeal for donation for items which are regularly used in church has been warmly welcomed. As this was not a one off event please speak to a warden if your are interested in making a contribution to help church funds and continue bring life to the church.
Team Happy Feat on the march again
Peter Mayor writes
Team Happy Feat are planning to walk again, this time along the Lancaster Canal on the 18th and 19th September from Preston to Kendal.
The team comprises of Lesley Penketh, Chris Chatwood, Chris and Peter Mayor and new members Katherine Penketh and Gemma Mayor.
This will be a total distance of 60 miles with an overnight break at Lancaster.
We are hoping to raise funds to be split between St. Mary’s Churchyard and The Rosemere Cancer Centre at Preston Royal Hospital. The photograph shows the team as they finished their last walk in Inverness at the end of The Great Glen Way in 2019 (79 miles in three and a half days).
Giving - your donations through our contactless terminal in church can now benefit from GiftAid if you are a UK taxpayer. That means for every £5 you donate, Eccleston St Mary’s PCC receives £6.25. To help us receive this extra benefit please register your Visa and MasterCard on the Swiftaid website (by clicking on the link or the image above) before you use the terminal in church. Please contact Eric Smith if you will to join the envelope scheme. He has a number spare.
Also please sign up to Easyfundraising (details below) as this is such a good way to earn money for church without any effort, especially now that online purchases are increasing popular since the beginning of the pandemic.
Legacies. Have you thought about leaving a donation to your parish church in your will. Please speak to a Church Warden or our Treasurer about how this could be done. We have some very useful leaflets which can explain the legal process and how you can help. Please ask for one.
Ecclesiastical Insurance runs a scheme called Trust 130. As an insurance company they havegiven more than £430,000 to churches in the UK as part of the Trust130 campaign and now we’re extending for another year. There is no limit on the number of donations which can be made. We could benefit from Trust130 donations of £130, if you take out anew policy with Ecclesiastical and mention St Marys, Eccleston and Trust 130: please contact Ecclesiastical Insurance on 0800 7830 130 You can read more about the scheme by clicking the picture on the right.
The nights are light at the moment but you can plan ahead by lighting up the church to mark a special day, or may be some retail therapy is just want you need - don't forget to buy online during lockdown using the Easy Fundraising link to benefit our parish funds.
Dates for your diary from the music department
The first of two summer coffee concerts arranged by our Music Director, Joe took place last weekend and raised £252. Click the image on the right for a sample of the event. These are informal musical events outside, if the weather is fine, as it was just about this week. It's all free and without charge so please keep free Saturday afternoon on 21 August for the next event. However, you will be able to spend some money as there will be cake and bottle stalls and tombola. If you are able to donate any bottles please let Liz Green or Rosina Monks know. These can be left at church or at 76 Doctors Lane (Liz Green) and 3 Larkfield (Rosina). Phone Rosina 01257 451166 for a home collection.
And finally from Joe, there are three more concerts at St Faith's in Crosby. If you look at the programme for August you will see that there's something for everyone. Do go along if you can.
Book Floodlighting – it is now possible to book the floodlighting again. Please use this form to make your request and online payment. It only costs £10 to light up the church for one evening. We also feature your memorial on the parish website and on our Facebook page. Join those who have raised over £1,300 for church funds as they remember an important event or person when they have 'Lit up the Church'.
Keep up with the latest news and events on Twitter!
https://twitter.com/ecclestons... select - Follow
Keep up to date with www.ecclestonstmaryschurch.org
If you shop online, please register for Easyfundraising Cause
When you click on this link you will be able to make a small donation to our parish work each time you shop at selected retailers at no additional cost to you. Our 62 supporters have raised £1,869.94 so for so why not join them at this time that all non essential shops are closed.
Disability Provision
There is a hearing Loop system
Space is provided in church for wheelchair users. A wheelchair is available.
Disability toilet in the Parish Centre
Fire Notice
There are two emergency exits:
Through the main door Through the Jesus Chapel (To the right of the altar) Muster by the War Memorial, await instructions