02/07/2024 0 Comments
There but not there
There but not there
# News
There but not there
It is quite clear that Great War memories are very close to the hearts of the people of Eccleston. On 4 August 1918 King George V called a National Day of Prayer: one hundred days later the war ended. The national Church of England is marking the Hundred Days of Prayer this year. Linked to this initiative there is a project called There but not There which enables communities to purchase silhouettes for benches/pews along with name blocks to remember the fallen of the First World War.
I am hoping that we will have a number of silhouettes funded by the beginning of September so we can dedicate them and place them in church at our Festival Evensong on Sunday 9 September. If you would like to purchase a silhouette please contact Fr Andrew or a Church Warden. It will send such a positive message of community involvement if they can attend at this time when reconciliation is the recurrent theme of this centenary year.